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![]() News and Events
![]() Rosemary Calvert FRPS FRGS
The Royal Photographic Society has recently registered a trade mark which can be used by those holding a distinction.
![]() My photographic sales are now primarily through Getty Images so I have decided to record my best selling images each month for both Royalty Free images (RF) and Rights Managed (RM). By best sellers I mean those images that were most financially rewarding each month. These images show something of a departure from my nature, wildlife and flower photography and I feel will give visitors to my site a better idea of my work at present.
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![]() 2008 Front Covers.
Rosemary's 56th front cover of AG (photo to follow)
January 12th 2008 issue.
2007 Front Covers.
Rosemary's 55th front cover of AG (photo to follow)
November 17th 2007 issue.
On sale from Tuesday 13th Novemer 2007
Rosemary's 54th Front cover of AG (Photo to follow)
September 15th 2007 issue.
On sale Tuesday 11th September 2007
Rosemary Laird
On 7th June 2007 I am delighted to say I married Angus Laird and although my professional name with remain as Rosemary Calvert I have taken Angus' name and will also be known as Rosemary Laird.
20 of my images and a biography have been uploaded to www.portfolios.com a North American website used to source creative talent. To view my portfolio click on www.portfolios.com/RosemaryCalvert
New web page.
I've started a new page 'Ideas'. Have a look.
Smart Photography, India's number one magazine, interviews Rosemary about her work and features eight of her macro images in their beautifully produced September 2006 issue.
![]() 2006 Front Covers.
![]() Galapagos May 2006
What an amazing place. It was incredible to be surrounded by so much completely fearless wildlife. We literally had to walk round blue-footed boobies and iguanas on the paths. I've started a Galapagos web page. Click on 'Galapagos Islands' at the top of this page to see the new images I have uploaded.
December 2005
On December 8th 2005 I was nominated as a member to the Associateship and Fellowship Travel Panel
Hard disk failure.
If you're a frequent visitor to my website you may have noticed that there were no updates for some months. This was the result of a major hard disk failure for no apparent reason. I lost everything and had to pay mammoth amounts for the retrieval of my files, a lesson learnt the hard way. I have also had an external hard drive fail so I now save my photo files on CDs. I've had trouble retrieving information from DVDs so I'm giving them a miss. Anyway all is up and running now so look out for updates.
Front cover of 16th April 2005 issue of Amateur Gardening, May 2005 issue of Gardening Answers and front cover of Practical Photography November 2005 issue. (photos to follow eventually)
Featured Client. I was selected by Joe van Os photosafaris to be their 'Featured Client' for April to June 2005. Click on www.photosafaris.com to see the feature.
Marks & Spencers 2005 Valentine's Day red rose
![]() Marks and Spencers used the above red rose in their Valentine's Day 2005 displays. Every photographer's dream. Thanks are due to Guildford M & S for allowing me to photograph their displays.
![]() ![]() Garden Photographers website http://www.garden-photographers.com
Scroll down and select 'View Portfolio' to see samples of Rosemary's work.
Women Photographers
I've just joined a group of about 90 women in photography who have a website www.womenphotographers.com On the website are portfolios of some excellent photography covering numerous fields - wedding, still-life, portrait, landscape, nature, sailing, motor sport, equestrian, industrial, astronomy, floral, abstract - you'll need to visit the web site to see the full range. They have a library of articles and I have been asked to contribute an article about my polar travel to this collection which I will do shortly. Click on the link to see my portfolio.
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
I'm very pleased to announce that on 5th July 2004 I was accepted as a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society on the strength of my travels and photography. www.rgs.org
'William Cheung leaves Practical Photography'.
A number of visitors have come through to my website having entered
'William Cheung and Practical Photography'.
After 19 years on the editorial staff of Practical Photography and 10 years as editorWilliam Cheung has chosen to make a career move.
Readers will miss William's talented and unique style of writing in PP as well as his face looking out from its pages. I've worked with William for 7 years and always admired his talents and great enthusiasm for photography. I'm sure there are many readers of PP who would like to thank Will for his contribution to the development of their photographic skills over the last 19 years. To contact Will email Willtherooster@hotmail.com .
William Cheung took up his position as Editorial Director of Archant Specialist on 1st March 2004. He will be overseeing 8 magazines which includes Photography Monthly, What Camera, Total Digital Photography and Professional Photographer.
William's new position was published in the Bureau of Freelance Photographers, February 2004 Market Newsletter. This is how his new job description is described in the newsletter:-
'It has been announced that he (William Cheung) has taken up the position of editorial director at Archant Specialist, publisher of Photography Monthly, Professional Photographer and various other photographic publications. His brief is to use his considerable experience in promoting what is now the UK's largest stable of photography-related titles.'
William has a website at www.williamcheung.co.uk
Rosemary's 2005 Front Covers
![]() Rosemary's 2004 Front Covers
![]() Rosemary's 2003 Front Covers
![]() Photo Agency News
SuperStock was bought by a21 www.a21group.com on 6th March 2004. Haim Ariav, president of a21, has been named as president of SuperStock.. More changes are expected in the near future. Superstock was pleased with a lengthy article on their developement in the Florida Times-Union recently http://www.jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/080204/bus_16228967.shtml
Web site News
It's good to see there have been over 10,000 visits to my web site from 51 different countries since it went live at the end of Feb. 2003. Visitors have come from Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Cote D'Ivoire, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenja, Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Venuzuela
Web site changes
With one click view Rosemary's photos on the Getty Images, SuperStock, Alamy and ChromazoneFlowers websites. Select links at the bottom of each photo page.
Web site photography
Photographs on my web site are copyrighted but it has come to my attention that a number have been downloaded and used. I'm happy for my images to be used as part of a school or college project. Just let me know. Any other use is prohibited. Use can be obtained through agencies, direct links are provided. For images without links please contact me on rosemarycalvert@rosemarycalvert.com
GoStat hit counters were set to zero by hackers. 15,400 needs to be added to the figure shown below for total hits since February 2003.
Reports on Events in 2005
June 23rd - July 5th 2005 Spitzbergen to photograph polar bears on sea ice. Trip organized by www.photosafaris.com . Not a success. There were no good opportunities for close up polar bear photography.This was most unusual and it was the first time this had happened after five years of good opportunities for close up polar bear photography during trips at this time of year.
Weekend 9th/10th April 2005 The annual Royal Photographic Society Travel Group weekend held in Cheltenham at The Queen's Hotel.
We were treated to a variety of speakers in the beautiful location of Cheltenham and stately accommodation of The Queen's Hotel. For me the highlight was a presentation from Brian Jones OBE who gave a talk on his round the world balloon flight in 1999. He used the proceeds to set up a charity 'Winds of Hope' to combat the facial disfiguring disease Noma in African children.
Rosemary gave an illustrated presentation on travel to the Arctic and Antarctica titled 'Photography in the Polar Regions' on Sunday 11th 2005. The talk went smoothly and was well received in the end but was delayed until Sunday afternoon because of digital projector problems. I think we all learnt some valuable lessons about digital photography and in particular projection of images. It's a steep learning curve and new information is very valuable. I learnt that bulbs in projectors fail slowly causing the increasing washing out of images and need to be replaced when image quality is beginning to suffer. The bulb finally failed in the projector. Also that if the link between the computer and projector is analogue,not digital, and is over 6 meters in length ghosting appears around images. These are all good lessons and a positive outcome of the weekend as they taught us all something. That is after all what these weekends are all about. Presentations supported by projected slides began to look good in comparison but these problems will be ironed out and I feel the future is in digital projection. I would recommend a digital projector leant to me by Canon in February 2004 Canon LV-X2. They may even have a better one by now but this one was superb and made my images look as if they were taken on Fuji Velvia.
Reports on Events in 2004
November 18th -December 18th 2004 Emperor Penguins - Antarctic trip organized by Joseph van Os Photo Safaris www.photosafaris.com . Russian ice-breaker, Kapitan Khlebnikov, with two helicopters on board . Boat takes 100 passengers. This was the most amazing trip. We broke so many records.We were the first tour ship to visit Halley, British Antarctic Survey. The emperor penguins were beautiful and I loved breaking through the ice as we crossed the Weddell Sea. I took over 4,500 images, mostly digital which will take me months to sort thoroughly.
Monday October 4th 2004 Presentation to Kingston Camera Club on `Close-up Nature and Travel Photography' at 8pm,
Venue: St John Ambulance Brigade HQ, Athelstan Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey.
The presentation was received with great enthusiasm and I was pleaed with how much inspiration club memebers seemed to draw from it.
15th September - 22nd September 2004 Trip to Colorado to photograph aspens in autumn. Snow fell during the last few days, what a treat. More photos on 'Recent Trips' page accessible through 'Gallery'on home page.
![]() February 21st - 28th 2004. Wild Scotland in winter. Organizers 'Wildshots' www.wildshots.co.uk
Ten partcipants enjoyed a varied week of landscape and wildlife photography. Hides were available for greater spotted woodpecker and garden bird photography and feeding areas for red squirrel and crested tit. The last couple of days we had a good fall of snow giving some excellent opportunites for landscape photography. Rosemary gave a half day workshop on close-up and macro photography during the week.
![]() February 8th 2004. RPS East Anglia division.
At The Fold, Billericay on Sunday 8th February 2004 Rosemary Calvert FRPS gave a presentation to the RPS East Anglia division titled
'Extremes - From Macro to Polar Regions'
Rosemary divided the afternoon presentation into two parts. She began with macro and close-up photography showing a large number of slides which she used to illustrate ideas for subjects and techniques she uses. The slides were arranged in seasons starting with winter and working through to autumn. She ended the presentation with a 5 minute sequence of slides, 'Through the Seasons' which was set to music.
After a short break Rosemary moved on to Polar Regions explaining that her 3 years living close to the Rocky Mountains in Canada had ignited in her a love for ice and snow. She showed another 5 minute sequence set to music titled 'Winter', then took us to Antarctica with a travelogue outlining two trips to Antarctica organized by www.peregrineadventures.com again illustrated with numerous slides.
Rosemary completed her presentation switching to a Canon LV-X2 digital projector, kindly loaned to her by Canon, and showed slides she had taken in Greenland and Hudson Bay using a Canon 10D digital camera.
(Write up RPS East Anglia division bulletin.)
Reports on Events in 2003
Monday 24th November 2003 Presentation to Charnwood Imaging Group
An Evening with Rosemary Calvert at Brush Social Club, Fennel Street, Loughborough at 7.30pm
Rosemary presented an evening of close-up nature and travel photography which was well received. Click direct link for club report.
Tuesday 11th November - Friday 14th November 2003
Practical Photography Reader's Break in Exmoor, staying at The White Horse Inn, Exford
Tuesday 11th November - Friday 14th November 2003 with Editor William Cheung FRPS, landscape photography expert Peter Hendrie
and professional nature and landscape photographer Rosemary Calvert FRPS
We had a group of very keen participants this year and everyone seemed to enjoy the photography and excellent food. Although the light wasn't really good enough to capture stunning panoramic landscapes there were plenty of opportunities for extraction and intimate landscapes as seen below.
![]() Photographs taken with a Canon EOS 10D
Sunday 9th Nov. 2003 I spent a wonderful morning photographing deer in Richmond Park with photographer
Angie Sharp, www.sharp-photographs.co.uk
Canon EOS 10D images
![]() Monday 20th October 2003 Princes Risborough Photographic Society www.prps.org.uk. Lecture 'Close-up Nature and Travel Photography'.
Open only to members and invited guests. Rosemary's presentation was enthusiastically received and many members commented that they found it inspiring. It is lovely to share images and feel that it gives other photographers a boost in their enthusiasm.
Practical Photography Westonbirt Arboretum Readers' Break
Nights of Sunday 12th and Monday 13th October 2003 at Hare and Hounds Hotel, Westonbirt, Glos. Tel. 01666 880233. 23 participants enjoyed some excellent photography. The leaves have turned early this year and there was plenty of colour, although drout has lead to some of the leaves shrivelling on the trees. The first evening Rosemary gave a presentation of slides taken at Westonbirt in autumn over the last few years and on the second night William Cheung showed a collection of his dramatic black and white portraits.The food at the Hare and Hounds Hotel was superb and photography talk flowed freely.
Select 'Gallery' at top of page then 'Westonbirt Arboretum' to view images Rosemary took during the break.
Photos taken on PP Readers' Break using a Canon EOS 10D
![]() Monday September 29th 2003 Amersham Photographic Society www.amershamphotosoc.com 'An Evening with Rosemary Calvert' , non members welcome.
Rosemary's presentation was well recieved by an enthusiastic membership. If you live in the area and are interested in furthering your digital skills this is the club for you.
Monday September 15th 2003 Kingston Camera Club `The Best of Rosemary Calvert' 8pm at St John Ambulance Brigade HQ, Athelstan Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey.http://www.kingstoncameraclub.co.uk/page5.html Cancelled I'm sorry if you were looking forward to this presentation. I'm afraid I caught the ship's virus ( some kind of cold or 'flu) on my trip ending 13th Sept.
August 29th - September 13th 2003 trip to Spitzbergen and North East Greenland organized by Arcturus. www.arcturusexpeditions.co.uk and www.ocnwide.com
I've never before experienced a group of passengers that were so much fun. Laughing was daily on the programme. Spitzbergen in September was disappointing. Most of the flowers were over and the birds had migrated but we did see polar bears and walruses which was great. The scenery in Scoresby Sund, North East Greenland, was stunning and that, together with a couple of incredible sunsets and numerous massive icebergs, made the trip worthwhile. If you try this trip be prepared for some unusual cuisine on board. For more photos taken during the trip click on 'High Arctic' at the top of this page.
![]() 11th - 26th July 2003 Arctic Photographic trip to Greenland, Baffin Is.and Hudson Bay organized by www.peregrineadventures.com
It was a most enjoyable trip with sunshine almost every day. We saw polar bears, walrus, cliffs covered with guillemots and much much more. To see photos taken with a Canon EOS 10D (digital) and Canon EOS 10 (film) click on 'Arctic' at top of page.
![]() 7th and 8th April I had an excellent trip to Birling Gap with photographer Tim Humber www.tim.humber.btinternet.co.uk who kindly offered to show me some good places for photography. We had continual sunshine and some marvellous sunrises and sunsets. See 'Recent Travel' for more photos. I recommend the area for landscape photography.
March 19th - March 22nd 2003 Glacier National Park, Argentina, organize through www.peregrineadventures.com and www.exodus.co.uk
This was a not to be missed extension to the Antarctic trip. Glacier National Park is in Patagonia accessed from El Calafate. The glaciers were massive, larger than anything I've ever seen before in either Antarctica or the Canadian Rockies. Check the 'Recent Trips' page accessible through 'Gallery' for more photographs.
![]() March 6th - March 18th 2003 Trip to Antarctica organized by www.peregrineadventures.com and www.exodus.co.uk . It was an excellent trip and I'd recommend it to anyone who loves wildlife and adventure. We photographed whales and seals that were only feet from the Zodiac and penguins passed by only inches from us. The icebergs were superb, like beautiful sculptures graded from white to the most vivid azure blue. Check the 'Antarctica' page for Canon EOS D60 and Canon EOS 10 images.
Some of the photos taken with the Canon EOS D60 have been published in Practical Photography June issue on sale in Britain from 22nd May 2003.
Saturday March 1st 2 p.m., Carbis Bay Hotel, St. Ives, Cornwall. Lecture to Royal Photographic Society S. W. Region `Macro and Travel Photography'. Royal Photographic Society web site www.rps.org . RPS South West Region web site www.rps-southwest.org
It was a great weekend - lots of good company, photography talk and excellent food. Rosemary's lecture 'Macro and Travel Photography' was well received on Saturday and Tony Woribiec gave a superb presentation of tinted prints on Sunday. We even had time to play on the beach and take some photographs, see below.
![]() All photographs on this page are copyrighted
Please do not reproduce without permission from Rosemary Calvert
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All photos copyright Rosemary Calvert FRPS
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